If you’re looking for help when it comes to deploying your Helium Mobile radios, whether they’re CBRS or WiFi, Gold Hawks offers consulting services to help get you up to speed fast.
These sessions run 90 minutes with the principals at Gold Hawks. We’ll walk you through everything you need to know about how to understand the system and maximize your earnings given your location and hardware.
We have helped to architect the earnings structure and have authored many of the Mobile HIPs. No one knows this better than us. Max Gold built one of the highest earning IOT fleets during the first wave of Helium, is a founding member of both the Helium IoT and Mobile Working Groups and is actively working on the new changes coming to the rewards system.
Nik Hawks was the Helium Community Member of the Year in 2021 and consulted for hundreds of Helium Hotspot deployers, assisting in the deployment of some of the highest performing Hotspots on the network.
We’d love to help you maximize this opportunity in Helium. If you’d like to book a slot, please use the link below.